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    Ultimate CherryMS Guide


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    Ultimate CherryMS Guide Empty Ultimate CherryMS Guide

    Post  Sandwich Mon Aug 24, 2009 7:46 am

    Section One: Downloading Client and Registration
    Section Two: Starting Game
    Section Three: General Rules
    Section Four: Game Manners
    Section Five: Scrolling
    Section Six: Dealing with Hackers
    Section Seven: Forum Manners
    Section Eight: Ban Appeals
    Section Nine: Voting and its Easiness


    Welcome to CherryMS! We're so glad to have you as a part of our community. Make sure you read this guide if you want to utilize the servers full potential. To connect to the server you need to download Maplestory Version 62. After downloading the Maple Story, you to need to download the client for CherryMS. Extract the files into the same folder as the MapleStory Version 62. To register for a forum account go to the main website and click “Register”, follow the prompts on screen. To make an account to get in the game is auto register. That means an account is registered by just “signing in”.

    MAPLESTORY 62 DOWNLOAD: http://rapidlibrary.com/index.php?q=maplestory+v62+download
    (For you overseas people that cannot have access to this, you must use a torrent)
    CHERRYMS CLIENT DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?t0ddy2mzjtf
    CHERRYMS WEBSITE TO REGISTER: http://www.cherryms.com/index/?cype=main&page=register
    (Download at your own risk)


    Welcome to the wonderful world of Maple Story! When you log in, your mind is teleported into CherryMS, your new digital sanctuary. By reading this, you will know the basics of CherryMS!

    Useful Commands: Wonder how you use them? Just type it in the “all” box.
    “@help” – it gives you all the information you need to travel and allocate points.
    “@fmnpc” – This command opens up the Free Market NPC. You can buy everything from here, and also go everywhere.
    ~"@shop" - This command opens up the "All-in-one Shop". There, you can buy equipment, scrolls, potions, pet food, and etc.
    ~"@job" - This command opens up "Cody". Cody is in charge of Job Advancing when you rebirth. You can be a Magician, Warrior, Bowman, Thief, or a Pirate. You can only choose one job.
    “@stat-space-#” – looks crazy right? It helps a bunch in allocating ability points in Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Luck. When you are leveling like crazy, you can not just mash your clicker.
    str = strength
    dex = dexterity
    int = intelligence
    luk = luck
    an example is: @dex 343
    “@emo” – well, this command kills you. If you are emo or feeling suicidal, type it in!
    “@expfix” – this resets your exp just in case you get bugged.
    “@rebirth” – this helps a bunch. Rebirthing is when you are over level 200. You rebirth in order to gain stats and become other jobs.
    “@save” – this saves your progress, just in case there is an unexpected disconnection.

    When you create a character, you are dropped in front of the Training Camp. Your basic keys are jump and attack. It is pretty self explanatory. “Alt” is your jump key and “Crtl” is your attack key. You go around attack snails and gain levels. You use your mighty sword to slash and eradicate those gosh darn snails. When you kill one, you level up…you like the invigorating rush do you not? After killing a few, do you get bored? Are you sick and tired of using the same attack? Well there are such things called jobs. Jobs include Warriors, Bowmen, Magicians, Thieves, Bowmen, and Pirates. The general gists of the classes are either close range, long range. Warriors, Bandits (a class of Thieves), and Buccaneers (a class of Pirates) are all close range. Bowmen, Assassins (a class of Thieves), and Gunslingers (a class of Pirates) are all long range. Magicians are special; they are both long range and close range. By advancing in a job, you gain access to new skills. You use a variety of skills to kill and buff.
    To use your skills, you to need to allocate them by pressing “k”. “k” opens up your skills. You need skills in order to attack and buff. You need to attack skills to gain experience. “\” – This opens up your keyboard. No, it does not pop out your keys, but it opens a window used to allocate skills. You can use it to allocate keys other than to the HotKeys.
    Personally, I feel that the most important thing for surviving mobs of monsters is the HotKeys. To access them, press “\” or look on the bottom right hand corner. All you need to do is drag and drop your skills!

    You see the bottom right hand corner in-game? Let me show you a diagram…
    | Shift | Ins | Hm | Pup |
    | Ctrl | Del | End | Pdn |

    This is your key to killing and buffing. These keys are used for the most important skills you have!
    *This is my layout, if you have a better layout that works for you, please post under this!*

    Shift: This key is the easiest, and most important near your jump key. I personally use it for attacks, main attacks like: Savage Blow, Dragon Fury, Magic Claw, and etc.

    Ctrl: This key can be easily replaced with Teleport or Flash Jump. You don’t need your basic attack, you have regular skills!

    You can use the rest of the keys to add buffs or items for easy access. You need buffs to survive and boost your attacking skills. You use your skills but you realize you are doing rather measly damage right? Press “s”. This opens up your stats. You need stats to increase your base attacks, increase Health, MP, Avoidability, and Accuracy. Strength (str.) is most important to warriors and buccaneers. It increases your maximum attack, and increases your health. Dexterity (dex.) is most important to Bowmen and Gunslingers. It increases your maximum attack and accuracy. It increases accuracy by one point for a one-to-one ratio (one point added and one point is gained for accuracy) and also gives a two-to-one ratio for avoidability. Intelligence (int.) is most important to Magicians. It increases the Magician’s maximum attack, and also increases MP. Luck (luk.) is most important for Thieves. It increases “hand” damage (for Theives mainly) and it also increases avoidability on the ratio of one to one and gives a two to one ratio to accuracy.


    You are growing with the community now, players actually look at you and say, “Hi!” and the sort. It might be “state-of-the-obvious”, but your actions state how others perceive you Well, if you want to be liked, and/or appreciated etcetera, you need to follow a few general rules that may not necessarily apply to the game, these rules are based on a system of sense and logic.

    1. Smoking ( i.e. Smoke Shell, and Poison Mist): These skills lags the server tremendously. This will get you jailed or banned. Delete these skills from your keyboard. It is very straight-forward.

    2. Scamming: This is a private server, you don't need to scam anyone. Instead of bringing others down please bring yourself up

    3. “Smega Wars”: These “wars” are just plain annoying. Whenever you see someone using Smegas to insult, it is usually wise to stay out and let the GMs handle it. Even if you are protecting a friend you need to butt-out or you will be in the line of GM fire. If you are being harassed, please report it to GMs or take a screen shot. CherryMS rules are to ensure that the playing environment is clean for everyone to enjoy. Smega wars also go with the other rules about racism and racial slurs which are not tolerated.

    4. Guild Wars/ Bashing: Do not insult other guilds or people in any flagrant manner.

    Follow the "Golden Rule": Do on to others what you want done to you.

    Don't forget, rules are also common sense. Obviously cussing out a GM is not right, most importantly use your brain.


    Now, you know the basics, but now you need to know manners. CherryMS is a friendly community that undoubtedly comes from the dedicated players. This guide will show you the proper Cherry etiquette. There are very basic rules that you may already know, but listing them out will solidify these morals. Well, why do we need these manners? It is because so we can function well in the CherryMS society, and to not disrupt the peace. There a two basic rules, don’t kill steal, and don’t flame.
    In the game you are bound to be annoyed by some players. Usually people will resort to an endless kill steal war or an endless flame war. Why does that happen? Maybe it is to assert dominance in the Maple community. Sounds pretty pathetic right? My point exactly, kill stealing or flaming is not the answer to anything. If you would like to have the map, then change channels. It really does sound like a one or the other, but there is also another option: partying. Partying, on the contrary gives more experience than training by yourself. The reason is Holy Symbol. If someone parties with you, it gives 1.5 more experience. Think about it next time you think of kill stealing. It takes a bigger person to leave a fight than to stay in one. By flaming people, it not only takes an abundant amount of energy, but it also annoys everyone else. No one would like to see a fight between two people. You don’t want to stoop that low and continue the fight. It leads to upset people and it might lead people to quit. You have now become enlightened to the CherryMS way.


    What is scrolling? Scrolling is when you add stats to an item to increase its power or defense. It is very easy to understand how to scroll the best possible way.

    Before the steps, you will have to know what a White Scroll is/does:
    White Scrolls help you protect slot number of upgrades if the item fails to be scrolled. No, this does not recover your weapon if it is destroyed.

    First :
    You need to get the item you want to scroll, then you go to the Free Market and talk to Shanks.

    He will pop up a menu, then select “All-in-one NPC”. When you see the Vending Machine NPC talk to you, scroll down and click “All Scrolls, white scrolls, GM Scrolls”. Scroll down to the “White Maple anniversary scrolls”, then go to the first scroll of the “White Maple anniversary scrolls”, there should be a scroll just called “White Scroll”. Click on that and Mr. Oh will ask how many scrolls you want of that kind (it depends how many items you want to scroll, look at the chart below to see how many you need).
    1 item takes about 50~110 White Scrolls/15% scrolls to scroll correctly.
    So it’s good to buy 100 White Scrolls/15% Scrolls for each item just in case, and it is an easy number to type in.

    Third :
    Once you bought the white scrolls, scroll down more and, you will see special scrolls that give you a success rate of 15% but it is the same as the 10%'s upgrades. Use the chart above to see how many you need to buy. There isn’t a pole arm 15% scroll, so you will need to use a regular 10% scroll.

    Now wear the item you need to scroll. Press “e”, the equipment inventory, and press “i” then inventory. Drag the 15% scroll from your “use” inventory on to the item you are equipped with and it will prompt you. Click “yes”. If the item fails you will see a maple leaf insignia disintegrate. Notice that it didn’t use a slot up because of the white scroll. Keep on doing this until your item is scrolled to the maximum level. You can tell by how much you need to scroll by looking at the amount of slots you have left.


    Dealing with hackers is a very straight forward process. Hacks are programs that bypass or modify the data in games. But how do you know someone one is hacking?

    There are many different hacks. If you notice that there is a rain and spam of skills so fast that they overlap, that is a hack. For instance, a person spamming genesis so fast that there are more than 15 rays going off at the same time. I like to call it: God’s laser pointer. Another hack is “God mode”. This allows the player to walk through anything and take no damage. The most obvious hack has to be “vacuum hack”. This hack allows the player to suck the monsters in one spot. You will notice a monster disappearing when you are trying to kill it. These are only some of many hacks, but they are very easy to tell because most of the time it would seem weird.

    Now, how do we deal with hackers? This may sound juvenile, but tell them to stop. If they give you a “f3 face” write down the name and test it out with “/find *character name*” and tell it to a GM. Then change channel. It is very simple. Ignoring a hacker is comparable to ignoring a cancerous body part. If CherryMS does not do anything about hackers, these hackers can reappear and also invite other hackers. The most basic thing is to trust your gut and if you suspect something is wrong, just tell a GM.

    If you are wondering, “Where is the rest?” I would say, “It’s really that simple”. Basically, tell them to stop then report to a GM.


    Alright, forum manners 101! The forum is a place for everyone to enjoy and talk about CherryMS or other hot topics. Please keep the forum enjoyable, and fun for everyone. The rules of the forum are currently stated from the admin himself:

    "Rule 1: Do not double-post. It's only allowed if you bump your OWN thread with some new updates or if you have a tutorial thread where you either reserve spots for upcoming stuff or you continue writing into the next spot. It's not allowed to bump more than once a day.

    Rule 2: Do not one-word post. It's only allowed in the Spam section's forum games.

    Rule 3: Do not flame.

    Rule 4: Do not go off-topic and if you do, you should also write something on-topic in your post else you'll get warned.

    Rule 5: Do not bump topics. The meaning of bumping is when you post in a topic which is over 7 days old."

    Those are the rules. Rules are made so that everyone can have a good time. Please try to us proper grammar. If you can't at least get your point across clearly, what is the point? By following these rules, you have good manners, it is simple.


    Ban appeals are used when you get banned for an unlawful reason, or think you deserve a second chance. These appeals are used to bring you back into the game. Appeals can shorten your ban time or totally release you from your ban. Ban appeals can be used for small mistakes, but they can never be used for hacking. Hacking is a degrading action that cannot be forgiven.

    There are usually three steps in setting up a ban appeal.

    You must write a legitimate reason for your appeal. If there is no concrete reason, you will be left banned. You should not accuse anyone, nor blame your mistakes on anyone. The last thing you want is to start another fight that can lead to a permanent ban.

    The public needs to vote for your appeal. If they believe that you are right, then they will place a vote for you and vice verse. Majority rules here.

    The GMs have the final decision and will decide if you do get banned or not. If they decide to keep you banned, don’t take it the wrong way and resort to an endless flame in the forums. You would make a fool out of yourself and also get banned in the forums.

    If you ever do get banned, count your blessings, and be happy that there are second chances.

    Last edited by Sandwich on Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:55 am; edited 5 times in total

    Posts : 78
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    Ultimate CherryMS Guide Empty Re: Ultimate CherryMS Guide

    Post  Sandwich Mon Aug 24, 2009 7:47 am


    To vote you need to go to main website which is: www.CherryMS.com. You will most likely see a pop-up that says, “Vote for us” with a Maplette getting chased by a teddy bear. Click on it and you will be taken to our GTop100.com voting link. Type the Anti-cheat Gateway and you will have successfully voted. You will be taken shortly to the home page.

    Please go and vote. It is really easy, plus it makes the Game Masters happy. This server was created for you guys to have fun, so please vote.

    Last edited by Sandwich on Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Ultimate CherryMS Guide Empty Re: Ultimate CherryMS Guide

    Post  Sandwich Mon Aug 24, 2009 7:49 am

    *Saved for F.A.Q.s*

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    Ultimate CherryMS Guide Empty Re: Ultimate CherryMS Guide

    Post  Sandwich Mon Aug 24, 2009 7:50 am

    v.1.0 - Creation of ULTIMATE PMSGUIDE
    v.1.1 - Revamped and consolidated section
    v.1.2 - Added another section: Voting
    v.1.3 - Included the addition of two sections and polished sections
    v.1.4 - Officially changed name to: Ultimate CherryMS Guide. Also re-vamped some areas to suit CherryMS better.
    v.1.5 - Changed the "Scrolling" section to match CherryMS and fixed typos
    v.1.6 - Fixed the "double posting" rule
    v.1.7 - Added the description of "@shop" and "@job". Also added a Poll

    Extra special thanks to my good friend for creating this guide, Chris.

    Divine - for creating the section, "Scrolling" and polishing the beginning.

    Be sure to +Rep me!

    Last edited by Sandwich on Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:56 pm; edited 4 times in total

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    Ultimate CherryMS Guide Empty Re: Ultimate CherryMS Guide

    Post  Jurkey Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:04 am

    I actually have to edit the Double-posting rule.

    Good tutorial!

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    Ultimate CherryMS Guide Empty Re: Ultimate CherryMS Guide

    Post  Sandwich Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:53 am

    Thank you Jurkey, I will go on PixelMS' forums and delete that guide. I've decided to stay on CherryMS instead... I heard a lot about Connor's mishaps...

    And I'm really sorry for posting however many... I just wanted to leave some space.

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    Ultimate CherryMS Guide Empty Re: Ultimate CherryMS Guide

    Post  Mike Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:03 am

    Good that you ported it from http://pixelms.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=254 to Cherryms Very Happy

    Last edited by Mike on Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:20 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Ultimate CherryMS Guide Empty Re: Ultimate CherryMS Guide

    Post  Sandwich Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:21 am

    Yup! I am slowly working on it to fit CherryMS better. Please feel free to point out mistakes and etc.
    Mapler of CherryMS

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    Ultimate CherryMS Guide Empty Re: Ultimate CherryMS Guide

    Post  AsioTechnology Mon Aug 24, 2009 11:17 pm

    I'm done with PixelMS to.
    Great guide (didn't read all of it)
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    Ultimate CherryMS Guide Empty Re: Ultimate CherryMS Guide

    Post  Magnesium Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:18 am

    There should be a certain section for this guide.

    Good work ( tho it's a ripoff from old one )

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    Ultimate CherryMS Guide Empty Re: Ultimate CherryMS Guide

    Post  Sandwich Fri Aug 28, 2009 12:22 pm

    Anonymous, I personally don't like the term "rip-off", but it is mine and Chris' guide. I gave him credit too. It's a guide that applies to most private servers but written in a way that everyone is able to understand. I've also made corrections to suit CherryMS. Don't get me wrong, that I am taking offense, but I think that this guide isn't a "rip-off" as I have spent multiple hours working and correcting on this.
    Mapler of CherryMS

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    Ultimate CherryMS Guide Empty Re: Ultimate CherryMS Guide

    Post  Magnesium Sat Aug 29, 2009 12:11 am

    Oh, I meant nothing in a bad way, I guess it's just seeing common things over and over and that will cause things getting dull and bland.

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    Ultimate CherryMS Guide Empty Re: Ultimate CherryMS Guide

    Post  Sandwich Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:09 am

    Would you like to stare at a blank page then? The common things are the important things. If you would like me the rephrase things, please tell me.

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    Ultimate CherryMS Guide Empty Re: Ultimate CherryMS Guide

    Post  Jurkey Thu Sep 03, 2009 12:49 am

    | Shift | Ins | Hm | Pup |
    | Ctrl | Del | End | Pdn |

    You can't really rely on this since people from ex. Denmark have different keyboards.

    Mine is like this:
    | Ins | Hm | Pup |
    | Del | End | Pdn |

    And about the controls:
    I have Flash Jump on shift and I use my Space, V, B & C for other attacks. I usally use the _______________
    | Ins | Hm | Pup |
    | Del | End | Pdn |
    |_____|_____|__| keys for buffs.
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    Ultimate CherryMS Guide Empty Re: Ultimate CherryMS Guide

    Post  StillAmazing Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:45 am

    Thanks Sandwich for bringing the guide here. Even though theres no v.Chris jk.

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    Ultimate CherryMS Guide Empty Re: Ultimate CherryMS Guide

    Post  Sandwich Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:38 am

    Well, I did put you on credits. And also you were not here the whole time. Without your help, I needed to do all the corrections by myself. Where were you?!
    Mapler of CherryMS

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    Ultimate CherryMS Guide Empty Re: Ultimate CherryMS Guide

    Post  StillAmazing Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:13 am

    Virused Computer..... Horrible.... It took a while to clean up.

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    Ultimate CherryMS Guide Empty Re: Ultimate CherryMS Guide

    Post  Sandwich Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:15 pm

    Oh no, that must have been horrible!
    Mapler of CherryMS

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    Ultimate CherryMS Guide Empty Re: Ultimate CherryMS Guide

    Post  StillAmazing Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:10 am

    Ate away at my yycomputeer.

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    Ultimate CherryMS Guide Empty Re: Ultimate CherryMS Guide

    Post  Sandwich Tue Sep 08, 2009 5:59 am

    I would hate to have a virus like that...
    Mapler of CherryMS

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    Ultimate CherryMS Guide Empty Re: Ultimate CherryMS Guide

    Post  StillAmazing Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:18 pm

    Trust me, it sucks.

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    Ultimate CherryMS Guide Empty Re: Ultimate CherryMS Guide

    Post  Sandwich Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:53 pm

    What virus was it?

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