Each time you break any of the following rules, you will get a 10 point warn in your warn-o-meter. When you reach 100 warns you will get banned temporarily/permanently(depends on the offences).
Rule 1: Do not double-post. It's only allowed if you bump your OWN thread with some new updates or if you have a tutorial thread where you either reserve spots for upcoming stuff or you continue writing into the next post. It's not allowed to bump more than once a day, so better detail every "part" of your tutorial-thread(or for whatever purpose).
Rule 2: Do not one-word post. It's only allowed in the Spam section's forum games.
Rule 3: Do not flame. We are all different, and religious, racial and homophobic slurs aren't allowed here. This can result in a ban right away, permanent or temporary.
Rule 4: Do not go off-topic and if you do, you should also write something on-topic in your post else you'll get warned.
Rule 5: Do not bump topics, aka. Don't post in threads that are over 7 days old, except if it's an announcement or sticky.
Rule 6: Be constructive when posting. You may have some opinions, but that doesn't mean everybody has the same opinions as you, and you should respect that. You may say your opinion about something, but don't try to pull it down over somebody's head. If you give critism to something somebody else made, or their suggestions/ideas, be constructive. If you don't have anything constructive to say, then refrain from saying your opinion about it, ex. if there's somebody who made a bad animation, and you don't have any suggestions to how they could improve it, then don't tell your opinion about it.
Rule 7: Respect. Rule 3 & 6 explains this.
Rule 8: Common Sense.
Rule 1: Do not double-post. It's only allowed if you bump your OWN thread with some new updates or if you have a tutorial thread where you either reserve spots for upcoming stuff or you continue writing into the next post. It's not allowed to bump more than once a day, so better detail every "part" of your tutorial-thread(or for whatever purpose).
Rule 2: Do not one-word post. It's only allowed in the Spam section's forum games.
Rule 3: Do not flame. We are all different, and religious, racial and homophobic slurs aren't allowed here. This can result in a ban right away, permanent or temporary.
Rule 4: Do not go off-topic and if you do, you should also write something on-topic in your post else you'll get warned.
Rule 5: Do not bump topics, aka. Don't post in threads that are over 7 days old, except if it's an announcement or sticky.
Rule 6: Be constructive when posting. You may have some opinions, but that doesn't mean everybody has the same opinions as you, and you should respect that. You may say your opinion about something, but don't try to pull it down over somebody's head. If you give critism to something somebody else made, or their suggestions/ideas, be constructive. If you don't have anything constructive to say, then refrain from saying your opinion about it, ex. if there's somebody who made a bad animation, and you don't have any suggestions to how they could improve it, then don't tell your opinion about it.
Rule 7: Respect. Rule 3 & 6 explains this.
Rule 8: Common Sense.
Last edited by Jurkey on Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:36 pm; edited 4 times in total